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How to add services

To manage your services, navigate to the “my services” section on your back office left menu. You have the option to either group your services or add them individually. For grouping, simply click the “Add/remove group” button and enter the desired group name on the pop-up. Then, click “Add group” and proceed to add the services.




To add individual services, skip the add group button and click “Add a service” and enter the service name.

For service cost, you have the option to choose between fixed price, per hour, or Item. Fixed price is best if you have a set fee, per hour works if you are charging by time spent, and the Item is for when the customer needs to request a quote.

Select your preferred option and input the cost of the service. For fixed pricing, enter the amount you charge along with the padding time before and after the service.

Padding is a buffer zone that you can build into each and every appointment you book. Let’s say you are a life coach. You just scored a new client! Nice! It is important to you to have proper time between clients and the next client, in order to prepare materials and gear yourself up for your next client ( or maybe even grab a bite to eat or a cup of coffee!)
It is also critical for your coaching business to have 30 minutes built into your schedule after each appointment in order to record your summary of the appointment, make sure to note resources you would like to gather for your client for your next appointment and other “housekeeping” tasks.

On the per-hour option, enter the cost of your services per hour and the number of hours you will be providing.

To allow customers to request a quote for a service, simply input “0” as the service cost under the Item option, and on the number of persons indicate the number of individuals who will be providing the service.

To add a service to a group, click on the “select group” option. If you don’t want to group it, you can skip this step. To create a new group, click the “add group” button. After selecting a group, write a description of the service and click the “create” button.

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